This weekend was such a great weekend! We drove down to Destin for the Missions conference. I can't really sum up through this blog all that I learned during this conference. All I can say is that the Lord is really working in my heart, and teaching me a lot about Him, and our calling as Christians. We talked about some of our roles as Christians, and two of them were to be a Prayer person, and a Sender for other missionaries. As I was learning about these roles, my supporters were brought to my mind. Although many of my supporters are not able to go over seas, or come to Kaleo to learn and grow more, they have truly supported me and prayed for me during the past two summers. Whether I was in Mozambique, or in Panama City, my support has been so consistent and so faithful. So I just wanted to say first of all thanks, and second I know that you all are being faithful to the Lord, by your support for me. It means so much to me. I am blessed to be here, and learning all that I am. I know this is not a camp high, but these things that I am learning our changing me, and my relationship with Christ. I am growing with God more than I ever have. I am just so thankful that I am here.
Sunday we had a project baptism. Before the baptism, I just kept going back and forth on if I wanted to get rebaptized or not. I finally came to the decision that as an act of obedience to God, I want to be rebaptized. When I was baptized, I didn't fully grasp what a Christian was so I want to be rebaptized when I get home. I thought about doing it with the project, since I believe this is where I have truly started growing in my faith, but I want to wait until I get home! I want to do it at my home church, in front of the people who have supported me and loved me through the thick and thin of my life. I am really looking forward to using this act of obedience as a testimony for others.

At the baptism I got to see Seth, and some of my closest friends get rebaptized, and some get baptized for the first time! It was such an awesome experience. It was a big celebration in the ocean, and it was really amazing to see how God has moved in so many ways here. Thank you all for your prayers and encouraging words. You are dear to me!
Love, Kaylee
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