Saturday, May 16, 2009

reality check...

As the days get closer I am slowly starting to realize that in 10 days I will be leaving for 2 months. Seth left today for Golden Bell, and that was hard but I know he is going to be awesome there! There are many things that I am so excited about but I am also very nervous. I know God is going to work in great ways, but I just need his strength and courage these next couple days. I have been in contact with the missionaries the Restricks. They have been very helpful in letting us know what to expect, and helping provide some details. Our coordinator is named Tomas Macie (Ma Cee Ya) and he has been really busy with some organizations that he has going, and his wife is also pregnant so we have not had much communication with him. So I am very thankful for the Restricks help to give me a little peace of mind. I also am realizing that I need to start packing... this will be a journey! Anyways I am off for now. Thank you for your support and love.


  1. And I know you will be amazing in Mozambique! I miss you and Im praying for you!

  2. I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!

    What an incredible experience.

    My only tip: Journal every day. Even if it's just a sentence or one word. You'll really enjoy reading it when you get back.
