Tuesday, June 22, 2010

a little catch up!

Hi all! Sorry its been a little while since I have written. I hope you all are doing well. I thought I would write and catch you up on my week. Last week was really busy with a full week of work and then also staying on top of my inductive Bible study and verse memorization, but it was a really good week. Then this past weekend we had relationship conference, which was 2 nights of seminars about how to have a biblical relationship. It was really awesome, and very articulate about what this type of relationship should look like. I am very thankful for what I learned, and I really have no doubt that it will help me in many ways. Sunday we had a great church service, and then we went to Evangelism training. We learned how to prepare our 90 second testimony. Then we added our testimony to the bridge diagram. I really liked adding this to the bridge because it makes it really personal. People can argue with the gospel, but they cannot argue with something that has happened to you, so that is pretty awesome. After we practiced we set out for the beach. I was with a girl named Kelby who is one of the team leaders at Kaleo. It was good to evangelize with someone who has practiced evangelism a lot, and really knew how to make the gospel personal. The conversations we had with some people were more of a challenge then last week, but I really still felt like I learned a lot from those as well. I just pray that the Lord can plant seeds through us, even if the people don't choose to accept Christ when we present the gospel. Sunday night we had everyone get together for a World Prayer over Pune, India which is where Student Mobilization just launched a team (short and long term) there. It was really neat to learn about Pune. There is such a need for Christ there. (I will write more about that later) Last night we had our Bible study with our Dgroup, and it was really great. Tonight is Stumo night, which is a Kaleo church service. It is awesome, and definitely one of the highlights of my week! Have a great week guys!


  1. We are continuing to lift you in our prayers. Keep on sharing Jesus with a Lost and Dying World. Love you, Karis

  2. good to see an update! i like what you said about people being able to argue the gospel, but not about what has happened in your own life. that is so true. love you!

  3. Kaylee, I enjoyed catching up with your more recent blogs. Well written and great experiences! Love you and miss you! Dad
